What Are The Key Rules Of Indoor Soccer?

Indoor soccer is like the outdoor game but faster and played in a smaller area. It’s commonly known as arena soccer or futsal. This version is played on a compact field surrounded by walls. While the goal is the same – to outscore the other team – the indoor variant has its own set of rules. These rules create a distinct and exciting experience for both players and fans.

This summary of the Official Rules is to make everyone, from players to fans, more aware of indoor soccer’s rules. Unlike outdoor soccer, indoor soccer features a tighter field with perimeter walls, smaller teams, forced substitutions, and less severe penalty offenses. The aim of these rules is to set standards for indoor soccer, making it more distinct and enjoyable. This applies to people of all skill levels and ages.

Key Takeaways : Key Rules Of Indoor Soccer

  • Indoor soccer is played on a smaller, enclosed field with perimeter walls
  • Teams have fewer players per side compared to outdoor soccer
  • Mandatory substitutions and fewer offenses resulting in direct free kicks or penalty kicks
  • Official rules aim to promote the unique identity and growth of indoor soccer
  • The game is designed to be fast-paced, high-scoring, and enjoyable for players and spectators of all skill levels

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Field of Play

The indoor soccer field is set up for action. It’s unique because of its walls and tops. The longer sides are the touch walls, and the shorter sides are goal walls.


Indoor soccer fields are smaller than outdoor ones. They can be between 150 to 210 feet long and 75 to 100 feet wide. These smaller dimensions add excitement to the game.


Lines are carefully drawn on the field for guidance. There’s a halfway line and a center mark. Each goal has defensive zone lines that meet the top of the touch walls.


Goals are at the center of the goal lines. Each goal is recessed into the wall. They measure at 12 feet wide with a crossbar 6 feet off the field.

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The Ball

indoor soccer ball

The ball is key in indoor soccer, driving its fast pace and high scores. It’s required to be round, made from leather or similar, with a size of 27-28 inches around. It should weigh between 14-16 oz and have a pressure of 0.6-1.1 atmospheres at sea level.

Ball Specification Requirement
Shape Spherical
Material Leather or other suitable material
Circumference 27-28 inches
Weight 14-16 oz
Pressure 0.6-1.1 atmospheres at sea level

These rules create a standardized experience for players, keeping the game fair. The fine-tuned ball design helps players improve their skills. It also adds to the fun for everyone involved.

Number of Players

A match needs two teams. Each team has no more than six players, with one as the goalkeeper. To start or continue, both teams must have at least four players.


To change a player, they must first go out. This can be by going inside the restart line near the team bench or through an outside gate. With the referee’s OK, a different player can then come in.

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Players’ Equipment

indoor soccer equipment

In indoor soccer, players must follow specific gear rules for safety and fairness. Wearing the team’s uniform in matching colors is key. They also need shin guards to keep their legs safe from hits.

Special indoor shoes are a must for players. These shoes give good grip and keep them stable on the indoor surface. That surface is usually hard and smooth, made of wood or fake grass.

No jewelry or extra accessories are allowed in indoor soccer. They can be dangerous for the person wearing them and for others. This rule keeps the game safe and focused on playing.

Goalkeepers have special rules for their gear too. They should wear a jersey that stands out, letting everyone know who they are. This makes the game run smoother, with everyone knowing where the goalie is.

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Role of the Referee

In the fast-paced world of indoor soccer, the referee is key. They ensure games are fair and orderly. Their decisions, based on facts and the rule book, are final. The referee keeps the game’s integrity by watching over rules like substitutions and three-line violations.

They kick off play, stop it, and decide on free kicks. Referees also give out warnings or kick players out if needed. They make quick, important decisions that affect the game’s flow. Players and coaches have to follow their lead without argument.

The referee’s main job is to keep indoor soccer playing by the book. This lets everyone enjoy and experience the excitement of the game – its quick pace, high energy, and focus on skill. It makes the sport fun for both players and those watching.

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Duration of the Match

Indoor soccer matches have a quick pace. They are designed to keep players and fans riveted. The match’s timing is mainly set by the regulation time and possible overtime.

Regulation Time

A regular indoor soccer game has two parts. Each part’s length is decided by the league or those running the game. During these halves, except for special pauses, the clock never stops. This keeps the game’s excitement up.


If a game ends in a draw during a tournament, players get another chance in overtime. This extra time is just 5 minutes long. It ends as soon as one team scores, deciding the match. If both teams are still even after overtime, a different method is used to determine the winner.

Start and Restart of Play

start and restart of play

Indoor soccer sets rules for starting and restarting play. It keeps the game fast and well-organized. These rules include how to do kickoffs, free kicks, and goalie kicks.

Indoor soccer is played with a maximum of five players on the field per team, including the goalkeeper. Players must abide by the rules set by the soccer league. During indoor soccer matches, a team must have a minimum of five players ready to play. If a player receives two yellow cards, they must leave the pitch, resulting in a 2-minute penalty where the team plays short.

A free kick is awarded for fouls and must be taken within 5 seconds. If the ball hits the ceiling, the team that did not touch the ball last gets an indirect free kick taken outside the penalty area. Using the walls to your advantage is a unique aspect of indoor soccer. Teams will switch sides at halftime, and any delay of game can result in a free kick. If a player delays, leaves the facility, or the ball is in play after the opposing team scores, normal play resumes with the ball bouncing before crossing the goal line. If the match is still tied, it may be decided by a penalty shootout.


At the center mark, a player kicks off to start each half and after a goal. The kicker can’t touch the ball again until another player does.

Free Kicks

If the game stops, one team might get a free kick, not in goalie or dropped ball situations. The ball must be still for the kick, and opponents need to be 15 feet away. Where the kick starts depends on where the foul happened.

Goalkeeper Distribution

After a ball leaves the field touched by an attacker, the goalie kicks it (or rolls it for U12s and younger) within the penalty area.

Indoor soccer has its own special rules that make the game thrilling and quick. One of these unique rules is the three-line violation. It happens when a player kicks the ball into the air over both the two red lines and the center line towards the other team’s goal, without it touching anything in between.


Getting a goal means the whole ball has to go over the goal line legally. Goals can happen straight from the start of the game or any restart. This makes each game full of surprises.

Fouls and Misconduct

There are different fouls in indoor soccer, like kicking or tripping an opponent. Jumping, charging, striking, or pushing them in a bad way are fouls too. Also, there are rules against playing dangerously, holding the other team, and using your hands to touch the ball (except the goalkeeper).

For players younger than 11, they can’t use their head to touch the ball either.


Indoor soccer has many restarts. These happen after pauses in the game. They keep the game fast and fair, following the rules.

Indoor soccer follows similar principles to outdoor soccer but with unique indoor soccer rules. Each team must field five players, including a goalkeeper. The ball must bounce within the field of play and must touch another player before a goal can be scored. Possession of the ball is crucial, and substitutions are allowed at any time.

The game begins with a kickoff, and players dribble to advance. If a foul occurs, the referee may issue a yellow card, blue card, or red card, affecting game time. Free kicks are indirect unless in the penalty area, where a penalty kick is awarded. The ball must touch the goal line to score, and if it goes out, play restarts with a throw or kick. Sudden death applies if still tied at the end of regulation. Good sportsmanship is essential, and the referee ensures fair play.


Kick-ins happen when the ball goes completely out. The player puts the ball where it went out. They have to kick it within 5 seconds.

Corner Kicks

Teams get corner kicks if the defense touches the ball last near their goal. The ball is placed in the corner. They have 5 seconds to kick it. You can score straight from a corner kick.

Goal Clearances

If the attacking team last touched the ball before it crosses the goal line, the goalie gets a goal clearance. They can roll, bounce, or throw the ball out of the penalty area.

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Indoor soccer follows key rules that keep the game fast and high-scoring. It’s played in a smaller area with walls around it. The game is not like outdoor soccer. There are fewer players, you must change players often, and kicks are done indirectly. It also sets rules for the goalkeeper and has special rules like the three-line rule. These are designed to make indoor soccer fun for everyone.

Players in indoor soccer focus on controlling the ball and making quick choices. The field is small, and you use the walls to your advantage. This makes the game fast and exciting for both players and those watching. These special rules create a unique, lively game that anyone can enjoy.

Indoor soccer is getting more popular. Its unique rules help make it a great sport for all. By keeping these rules, indoor soccer stays fun and engaging. It’s a game that people of every age and skill level can find joy in playing and watching.


Q: What are the basic rules of indoor soccer?

A: Indoor soccer follows similar rules to outdoor soccer but with some modifications for the indoor environment. The game is played with two teams, each consisting of five players including a goalkeeper. The game is typically played in a smaller field enclosed by walls, and players are not allowed to use the walls as part of the game.

Q: What is the difference between indoor soccer rules and regular soccer rules?

A: Some key differences between indoor soccer rules and regular soccer rules include the size of the field, the number of players, the presence of walls, and the use of a smaller, heavier ball in indoor soccer.

Q: When is a red card shown in indoor soccer?

A: In indoor soccer, a red card is shown to a player for serious offenses such as violent conduct, serious foul play, or abusive language towards the referee or other players. A player who receives a red card is ejected from the game and their team must play with one less player.

Q: What is a yellow card in indoor soccer?

A: A yellow card is shown to a player as a caution for offenses that are less serious than those warranting a red card, such as persistent fouling, dissent towards the referee, or unsporting behavior. Two yellow cards can result in a red card and ejection from the game.

Q: How is possession of the ball determined in indoor soccer?

A: Possession of the ball in indoor soccer is determined by which team last touched the ball before it went out of bounds or a violation occurred. The opposing team is awarded possession in such cases.

Q: What is the role of the goalkeeper in indoor soccer?

A: The goalkeeper, also known as the keeper, is responsible for preventing the opposing team from scoring goals by blocking shots on goal and distributing the ball to their teammates. The goalie is the only player allowed to use their hands within the penalty area.

Q: Why is sportsmanship important in indoor soccer?

A: Sportsmanship is crucial in indoor soccer, as it promotes fair play, respect for opponents and officials, and upholding the spirit of the game. Players are expected to abide by the rules, show good sportsmanship, and maintain a positive attitude during the game.

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